Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Shooting Schedule

(workers scene)

shot dialogue camera movement props/costumes Equipment cast

machinery noise wide shot                ----- Camera Worker form verve
workers talking

shot dialogue camera movement props/costumes equipment cast

typing sound side shot of accounter formal dress camera Aslihan
pan to left to show a computer
canted shot of articles newspapers
sticky notes

Saturday, 12 December 2009

Pictures of Verve House. Zoe.

These are some images that can be used for our poster of website. Digital drafts can now be made.

Taken by Zoe.

Thursday, 10 December 2009

How soaps attract there target audience? (by serhan velettin)

Soaps send out plenty messages, allowing the audience to put forward there own personal views, this helps to have a better knowledge of what their viewing, with the language and appearance of the characters, adding that extra excitement into the soap. As we all know must famous stars are targeted by teenagers, everything they say or wear is under critic, therefore there extra careful in what they say and wear, a good example of this is Hollyoaks, the soap targets young viewers day to day lives, allowing the theme of teenagers life style to be exposed, the sexy females were used to attract the male audience, due to the stereotypical views going round about how soaps are aimed at females.
As you can see from the poster girls were used in a sexy way to attract the male gender towards the soap, trying to compete with soaps like Eastenders and Coronation Street.

Graham Watson said "Dallas has to be one of the greatest ever TV shows, because it had all of the attributes for entertainment. It had great characters, good writers and story lines that ranged from the ridiculous to the sublime. Oh how easy it was to run an an oil company! Watching Dallas was pure fantasy, it's simply what makes TV fun and relaxing, take out an hour from the real world and enjoy, for people who saw the show they know what I mean!"

As you can See this refers back to my point earlier on about people having there own personally opinions , as we can see this viewer loved the show, from what i know about the show J.R was a rich successful business man who attracted a lot of girls, mainly due to the fact of the amount of money he had. Another thing which still allows us as the audience to remember J.R is character was played in such a formal way, adding some form of realism in to the show, he also said the phase"Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer", which has turned into a famous saying in society and even been talked about in Parliament, the kind of affect shows like this have on the world are amazing, it manipulates the audience to live as if your in a soap, which is the reason they try to make soaps realistic but sometimes go over the top.

We will be using the sexy girl character in our soap, allowing not only our female audience to get invalid but also our male gender, we will be focusing on money so we could say Dallas is a good example of how money opens many doors in life, but if you don't have it , its hard, which is the point we will be focusing about. Our soap will be targeting 20-40 year old people, due to the fact they'll have a better understanding of the word "recession".

Sunday, 6 December 2009

Task: Need to be finished by Tuesday

The following needs to be done by Tuesday and posted on blogs By Thursday at the very latest...
1)Type and complete written work...
Shooting schedule-Aya
Recce Form-Zoe
Shooting script-Aslihan
Storyboard-Zoe and Aya
Risk Assesment-Aslihan
Booking forms-Serhan
Production Schedule-Serhan

2)Have the msn conversation about our choice of costumes and props and what we hoped to communicate to the audience through this.

3)Draw up a draft poster (using pictures posted on the blog)

Written by Aya

Thursday, 3 December 2009

Images of Location. by Zoe

Images taken and posted by Zoe.

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Via our focus group i learnt..... (By Serhan Velettin)

I learnt how important it is to be realistic, while composing our film. Interesting topics via the industry covered which enable us to focus of certain affairs in today society i.e the recession, which focuses on the economical situation in major retailers in London, and how they might of got affected by the recession. Our findings from the focus group allowed us to change our ideas slightly, helping us focus not only on the company's reaction but also the staff's, which has to be released due to the crises. Before we formed the focus group we decided to assign many roles to one specific character, which i was against but was later decided by the group its a good idea, when we reached the focus group we discussed each character and described there personality's and there roles in the film, for example the personal assistant was assigned with many tasks like; having family and kids, being a health freak and even being slightly gay, the focus group declined this character as he was "too many people in one", which they thought was not logical to be married and have kids and still be gay. There words were "i personally would not watch someone like that", which led to a major discussion on reason why they thought the character was "over the top". As we all know Eastenders is a successful soap on BBC 1, which is viewed by many people around the country, they have covered major factors like Gay's, bullying and business as a whole. While focusing on these points they never went over the top on one character, for example Christian plays the gay character in the soap, creating conflict in his own way, but he is not assigned other tasks on top of that to confuse the audience, these kinds of things were all talked about in our focus group, which my group finally decided to keep the personal assistant as a normal family person, dedicated to his job and boss. We also played a little game with them, We got them to draw there boss in detail and really add any kind of frustration to the image they had.

Group Meeting 1/12/09 .Zoe


Discuss the progress thus far
Set targets for individuals
Set a date for the next film session


We are all happy with the filming quality and wish to complete this all before the current term.
We must all continue our research and thnk about the coverging styles of all 3 products.

Zoe - Take pictures of Verve and post them on the group blog by tomorrow. This can be used as an archive when selecting images in the designing process of the poster and/or website.
Aya and Aslihan - Research possible styles or features for the website. Include font styles, images, layout possibilities, features etc.
Serhan - Research possible styles or features for the poster. Include font styles, representation (eg, what characters to feature, how and why?), colours, images, slogans etc.

This should be completed by the 11th December 2009
Next and last filming session 12th December 2009
Written by Zoe