Monday, 21 September 2009

Hollyoaks research (Aya)

In order to get a wider understanding of how soaps are constructed and have some ideas as well as a starting point for our soap idea, i thought it would be a good idea to research Hollyoaks. Through researching Hollyoaks i took into consideration the fact that it differs from other soaps. And as we too wanted to create a unique soap Hollyoaks would give us an insight into how to create a 'unique' soap which differes from others, whilst at the sametime attracting it;s target audeince and being succesful.....
*Majority of characters are young students as the soap is based on student life. Other soap's such as Eastenders or Coronation street contain characters from a vareity of different ages. Such as Dot who is an old character and Ben a young one. Hollyoaks was created by Phil Redmond, who also created 'Grange Hill' and 'Brookside', so this could be the reason behind the soaps emphasis on young charcters.

*There isn't really any old age characters such as other soaps and the majority of soaps are good looking. This is also further emphasised in the soaps yearly calenders which uses the charcters appearnce as it's main selling point. This also highlights another reason for Hollyoaks differeing from other soaps; it has many spin off for the show.

*Hollyoaks also includes a lot of non diagetic music to accompany episodes. Although soaps such as Eastenders have began to introduce this too, very lightly, Hollyoaks remains to be the soap which uses this particular type of music the most.

*Although Hollyoiaks does have a soap for a central meeting point like other more traditional soaps, such as 'Coronation Street', 'Eastenders', 'Emmerdale'. However it differes from other soaps because it also includes a university pub and Hollyoaks college as it's central meeting point.

Posted by Aya

1 comment:

  1. Yer i definatly think Hollyoaks is one to look at. I've seen a few of the trailers and it seems very dramatised more in the style of films. It definatly knows it's target audience. It differs alot from other soaps such as Eastenders. Its camerawork stands out alot. The last group meeting we had we decided to definatly include more daring and artistic shots.
