Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Shooting Schedule

(workers scene)

shot dialogue camera movement props/costumes Equipment cast

machinery noise wide shot                ----- Camera Worker form verve
workers talking

shot dialogue camera movement props/costumes equipment cast

typing sound side shot of accounter formal dress camera Aslihan
pan to left to show a computer
canted shot of articles newspapers
sticky notes

Saturday, 12 December 2009

Pictures of Verve House. Zoe.

These are some images that can be used for our poster of website. Digital drafts can now be made.

Taken by Zoe.

Thursday, 10 December 2009

How soaps attract there target audience? (by serhan velettin)

Soaps send out plenty messages, allowing the audience to put forward there own personal views, this helps to have a better knowledge of what their viewing, with the language and appearance of the characters, adding that extra excitement into the soap. As we all know must famous stars are targeted by teenagers, everything they say or wear is under critic, therefore there extra careful in what they say and wear, a good example of this is Hollyoaks, the soap targets young viewers day to day lives, allowing the theme of teenagers life style to be exposed, the sexy females were used to attract the male audience, due to the stereotypical views going round about how soaps are aimed at females.
As you can see from the poster girls were used in a sexy way to attract the male gender towards the soap, trying to compete with soaps like Eastenders and Coronation Street.

Graham Watson said "Dallas has to be one of the greatest ever TV shows, because it had all of the attributes for entertainment. It had great characters, good writers and story lines that ranged from the ridiculous to the sublime. Oh how easy it was to run an an oil company! Watching Dallas was pure fantasy, it's simply what makes TV fun and relaxing, take out an hour from the real world and enjoy, for people who saw the show they know what I mean!"

As you can See this refers back to my point earlier on about people having there own personally opinions , as we can see this viewer loved the show, from what i know about the show J.R was a rich successful business man who attracted a lot of girls, mainly due to the fact of the amount of money he had. Another thing which still allows us as the audience to remember J.R is character was played in such a formal way, adding some form of realism in to the show, he also said the phase"Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer", which has turned into a famous saying in society and even been talked about in Parliament, the kind of affect shows like this have on the world are amazing, it manipulates the audience to live as if your in a soap, which is the reason they try to make soaps realistic but sometimes go over the top.

We will be using the sexy girl character in our soap, allowing not only our female audience to get invalid but also our male gender, we will be focusing on money so we could say Dallas is a good example of how money opens many doors in life, but if you don't have it , its hard, which is the point we will be focusing about. Our soap will be targeting 20-40 year old people, due to the fact they'll have a better understanding of the word "recession".

Sunday, 6 December 2009

Task: Need to be finished by Tuesday

The following needs to be done by Tuesday and posted on blogs By Thursday at the very latest...
1)Type and complete written work...
Shooting schedule-Aya
Recce Form-Zoe
Shooting script-Aslihan
Storyboard-Zoe and Aya
Risk Assesment-Aslihan
Booking forms-Serhan
Production Schedule-Serhan

2)Have the msn conversation about our choice of costumes and props and what we hoped to communicate to the audience through this.

3)Draw up a draft poster (using pictures posted on the blog)

Written by Aya

Thursday, 3 December 2009

Images of Location. by Zoe

Images taken and posted by Zoe.

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Via our focus group i learnt..... (By Serhan Velettin)

I learnt how important it is to be realistic, while composing our film. Interesting topics via the industry covered which enable us to focus of certain affairs in today society i.e the recession, which focuses on the economical situation in major retailers in London, and how they might of got affected by the recession. Our findings from the focus group allowed us to change our ideas slightly, helping us focus not only on the company's reaction but also the staff's, which has to be released due to the crises. Before we formed the focus group we decided to assign many roles to one specific character, which i was against but was later decided by the group its a good idea, when we reached the focus group we discussed each character and described there personality's and there roles in the film, for example the personal assistant was assigned with many tasks like; having family and kids, being a health freak and even being slightly gay, the focus group declined this character as he was "too many people in one", which they thought was not logical to be married and have kids and still be gay. There words were "i personally would not watch someone like that", which led to a major discussion on reason why they thought the character was "over the top". As we all know Eastenders is a successful soap on BBC 1, which is viewed by many people around the country, they have covered major factors like Gay's, bullying and business as a whole. While focusing on these points they never went over the top on one character, for example Christian plays the gay character in the soap, creating conflict in his own way, but he is not assigned other tasks on top of that to confuse the audience, these kinds of things were all talked about in our focus group, which my group finally decided to keep the personal assistant as a normal family person, dedicated to his job and boss. We also played a little game with them, We got them to draw there boss in detail and really add any kind of frustration to the image they had.

Group Meeting 1/12/09 .Zoe


Discuss the progress thus far
Set targets for individuals
Set a date for the next film session


We are all happy with the filming quality and wish to complete this all before the current term.
We must all continue our research and thnk about the coverging styles of all 3 products.

Zoe - Take pictures of Verve and post them on the group blog by tomorrow. This can be used as an archive when selecting images in the designing process of the poster and/or website.
Aya and Aslihan - Research possible styles or features for the website. Include font styles, images, layout possibilities, features etc.
Serhan - Research possible styles or features for the poster. Include font styles, representation (eg, what characters to feature, how and why?), colours, images, slogans etc.

This should be completed by the 11th December 2009
Next and last filming session 12th December 2009
Written by Zoe

Saturday, 21 November 2009

New trailer plan. Group effort.

Note: Each dialogue the boss speaks she will be wearing different clothes to show the different days that the redudencies were being announced.
Employee 1 - happy
lights cigarette
Employee 2 - confused
"So hows everyone working downstairs"
lights cigarette
drinks coffee
Employe 3 -nervous
*nodding* "It's a hard time now"
lights cigarette
drinks coffee
typing on keyboard
"I wanted to let you know"
lights cigarette
drinks coffee
typing on keyboard
puts cup to the side
Employee 4 - worried
"These are the expected figures"
lights cigarette
drinks coffee
typing on keyboard
puts cup to the side
"We can't afford to go the way we're going"
lights cigarette
drinks coffee
typing on keyboard
puts cup to the side
stubs cigarette out
Employee 5 - crying
"I'm going to have to let you go"
lights cigarette
drinks coffee
typing on keyboard
puts cup to the side
stubs cigarette out
Zooms out to Boss sitting in the chair completly exhausted
Verve House appears center stage as if being typed.

(written by zoe)

I (Aslihan) was inspired by the camera movement on an advert which we all agreed would work in showing a stressful and repetitive situation. This is the part of the advert:

This clip shows a man doing the same deal with two people and it shows that they are in the same situation. We wanted to create an effect where people were going through the same situation in our trailer (getting fired). We also wanted to emphasise on the stress of the boss who is doing the firing and how difficult it is for her too. The target audience would know how the employees would feel either they were in the same situation or knows someone in a similar situation - because of the current recession. So, we wanted to include the boss's perspective too for the trailer and how repetitive and emotionally tiring it was.


Checklist for filming tomorrow!

- Aya: 7 different tops/scarfs (top half will only be seen)
- Everyone must dress smart.

- Everyons should bring 2 each, do not ring matching cups

- Vogue


Business related newspapers
- Not The Sun but maybe The Times


Cheque book

****Production schedule and shooting script must be complete****

Written by Zoe.

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Group Meeting 17/11/09 .zoe.

Website preparation
-Asign tasks
Filming preparation-Asign tasks
Evaluation focus group
- group discussion

- What's being communicated (ideas, feelings or both)
- How its being acheived
- What is being sold
- How is this acheived
- Entertaining, Educationg, Marketing (combination of all three)
- Everyone must design a draft for the home page of our website and present this on:
Thursday 19/11/09
Focus group
-Agreed that the PA is not gay
- Show the main effects of the recession effecting the business. Showing the boss speaking with individuals about their redundency
- Accountant showing the balance sheets
- Boss shows order forms/estimated figures to employees
Due to our focus group we were informed about many things which we otherwise pressumed inacuratly. We shall present a small video to highlight the focus group discussion. This will be done after our filming.
Our original ideas for a trailer have no been changed. See other post for detailed specifics.
Written by Zoe.

Research: soap website research (Aya)

I have looked at both the Eastenders and Cornation street website, in order to gain an insight into how they are constructed so that when we come to making our own website we can make the layout of the our website not only attractive but also typical of other websites. I am going to be focusing mainly on the layout of the website, looking at things such as house theme, layout and colour theme.

Eastenders has many features as part of it’s website. These include features such as voting poll, Eastenders news, weekly quiz, a ‘your say section’ as well as the typical latest video highlight section. Video highlights are part of many other soap websites such as Coronation Street. This allows the viewer to catch up on missed episodes. As we discussed during deciding on our scheduling, the scheduling s not as important as it used to be in the past as the internet has allowed viewers to catch up on episodes. So in other words viewers decide their own scheduling time depending on their conveniences and so by including the latest video highlights on our website, we are encouraging this view.

Eastenders has a very clean and neat layout, as shown through all the different features being placed in outlined boxes. The websites focuses on the use of one font. This is shown bold in some instances, such as the different feature headings (vote, news etc). The Eastenders website has a distinctive light grey and black colour theme. I don’t think the website layout is particularly eye-catching as much as it is neat and simple. however, it is obvious that the main website feature is the video highlight section. This is shown through it’s size proportion and the fact that it’s above all the other features. Coronation Street on the other hand, has a much more colourful and cluttered house style. The coronation street website has a background of the soap location, wethearfeild as well as close-up of building bricks towards the bottom of the screen. This could be to emphasise that the soap focuses on working class Britain. The font colour is pink and green as well as black times new roman black text. Interestingly the layout and house style of the Coronation Street website is very much like a soap magazine cover in it’s choice of text, colour and cluttered layout.

When constructing our website I think we should have a neat layout with a colourful background. However, I don’t think that the colour theme should be as bright as the colours used on the Coronation Street website. This is due to the fact that our primary target audience, are people ages 20-40 and therefore they will not be interested in a teenage style bright and cluttered website furthermore, having a website like this will not reflect the style of the soap.

posted by Aya

Poster ideas (Done by Serhan and aslihan)

The first three posters show dominant female characters. We want to emphasize on this idea on our trailer on empowering women. It has elements of film noir because of the silhouettes and shadows. i think this is a good way in showing that there is a "dark side" to the business in some way. The idea of a woman holding a cigarette is quite good because of the masculine elements it has.

The banner across this poster reading "tha office" is a good example of representing the narrative for this production. the it skills used is good because they have manipulated the image by adding paper clips on the banner (emphasis on office props and incorporating it with the poster).

This poster is of a postcard format. It is not a film poster but the effectiveness to the audience is good. It is satirical as the writing glamorizes it but the picture gives a different impression, as if to say "no, this is the truth". it is fun to look at too because it sends this message and also it is something someone could keep.

Again, women are given a different representation to looking more powerful and independent in the "Crooked Business" poster. this is a poster of a short film. the lettering is effective because the 'e' is "crooked"

Saturday, 14 November 2009

Risk Assesment for Verve House. Zoe.

Overall there is a low risk when undertaking our filming session at Verve House.
Written by ZOE.


Me(Zoe) and Aslihan began by writing down a few words that are relevent to our soap idea and then chose three that summarise best and give the better narrative image.

Office, Recession, North London, Business, Money, Glamorous, Trampy, Fashion and Competition.

Final idea.

Fashion, Office, Recession
What do you think?

Thursday, 12 November 2009

Research: New poster idea (Aya)

In addition to the previous poster ideas which I have posted on the blog and discussed with my group, I have come up with a further idea.

The image in the right of the frame will be the boss sitting on a chair with her back towards the audience. The bosses head will be visible in addition to her hand putting out the cigarette. This is so that the audience can straight away establish that the soap features a Muslim boss, and ultimately goes against typical stereotypes. The cigarette will be used to symbolise that the prosperous business opportunities that existed five years ago have also been burnt out, along with the cigarette. In addition to this, smoking further emphasises that the current financial climate had left businesses stressed, under pressure and troubled. The boss will be looking out of a window at the stocking taking place and ensuring that everyone is working properly. The focus of the whole poster however, will be a canted shot of a newspaper article about the financial recession. On top of the images will be the name of the soap and a catch up line associated with the recession. I think the colour theme for this poster should be dark reds blacks and beiges. The most important thing in my view is that the poster colours are toned down to reflected the mood the financial depression creates.

-Symbolism and the messages explained above will be shown through featuring smoke because statistics have shown that smoking increases at times of pressure. Whilst undergoing secondary research i also found a study showing that over two million people are delaying planes to quit smoking due to the stresses that the recession has created.

-Coco channel has used a similar idea to mine. In that the poster they have created portrays a stressful and negative atmosphere through featuring smoking and using dark colours.

Wrtten by Aya El-fouani

What do you think?

Research: focus group preparation (famouse storylines by Aya)

In preparation for our focus group exercise we planned to refer to past soap storylines, which were relatively famous. This would then allow us to ask questions related to the storyline, such as why is the storyline famous and if it attracted them further to the soap or if not, why not? As well as primary research (asking people), and using my own knowledge about what the most famous storylines were I also used a form of secondary research; chat forums related to soaps. Below is a list of the most common famous storylines as well as a storyline outline, for the two storylines we are going to refer to in our focus group handout. Alongside the storyline outline is a few related questions we could ask....
Eastenders-Who Shot Phil?, fairground disaster, Zoe finding out that Kats her mum, Ethel and Dots euthanasia, Little mo attacking Trevor.

Coronation Street- Richard Hillman attempting to kill the Plats, Deidre sent to Jail.
Brookside-Sheila’s rape, Jordache murder story.

Eastenders: Who shot Phil?
-A Mystery attacker shot Phil and the audience was left guessing who shot Phil?-The storyline had such an impact on the audience that bets were being placed on actually shot Phil (At William Hill).
-Took longer than three weeks to expose who shot Phil
-Do you think that mysterious storylines such as this adds or detracts realism from the soap.
-Would you be less attracted by the soap if it took a long period of time for the truth to be exposed (taking into consideration that Brookside featured a murder story that stretched for 2 and a half years).
-Often storylines raise many unanswered storylines, which can only be answered through the audience continuing to watch the soap. In your view was this storyline popular because it kept the audience guessing?

Coronation Street: Deidre being sent to jail
-Deidre sent to prison in 1998 for fraud, a crime she didn’t commit
-She was falsely accused when her boyfriend (John Lindsay) implicated her in his numerous scams.
-Sentenced to 18months in prison
-British public started a campaign pleading Granada to ‘free the Weatherfield one’.
-Home secretary even tried to involve PM, who intervened on Deidre’s behalf with a touch of irony.
-Do you think criminal storylines in this soap, and others are represented correctly.
-Are they realistic?
-Are they accurate in their representation of criminals?
-Would you be interested in fraud stories, in a soap focusing on the financial crises?
-What in your view attracted viewers to this storyline?
Written by Aya

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Character profile for handouts in meeting. aslihan

Character Profiles.

The Boss - She can be very dominant in the working environment and has tendencies to be a complete control freak. She wears a headscarf as it shows she's spiritual; we chose Islam as the religion of this character because of the current prejudices of western societies and the headscarf is a distinctive symbol of this religion. She is a representation of a strong dominant female. She also has a few sneaky cigarettes when she gets too stressed. She's money greedy and is motivated by proving everyone wrong. She has very small moments in the soap where she lets her guard down and shows her vulnerable side (this is only ever done to her PA). She is also a hypochondriac. She is intimidating towards the employees just as any other boss would be.

Boss’s PAa ‘normal’ man who has a wife and children at home. He’s an ambiguous character who may appear shady at times but this is due to recent gay feelings which he keeps very secretive from everyone. Although at times he lets on to the Boss as they have a very complex and trustworthy relationship. He acts as an ‘agony aunt’ to the boss when she gets too stressed. He appears bossy and arrogant towards other staff lower down the hierarchy to him, he’s known as a misfit to other workers and often gets teased by other employees (he’s made solitary). He’s a very good listener, well educated and is known as a health freak as he constantly reminds the others of their unhealthy lifestyles.

New girl – She’s been given a recent work placement in the office for 3 months as she’s studying fashion/business at university. She’s young, flirtatious and attractive. She’s gay and single and gets a lot of attention from the male staff. She gets very bored and attention seeking when there’s not much going on in the offices. She appears very helpful at first to make a good impression. She mirrors the audience as she too is new to the scene.

Production manager/sexy man – Tall and handsome. He’s a regular man with an eccentric laugh. He also has a mental disorder known as ADHD/ADD which summarises a lot of his characteristics. He gets prescribed medication for this.

Caretaker – He’s a very intelligent man who is not highly rank in the organisation but is very well respected by most. He helps with the accounts as he’s a very good mathematician. He’s very humble, genuinely happy and smokes marijuana. He was previously prescribed marijuana as he suffered from anxiety issues therefore not being able to be employed by a professional organisation but as the boss as a sensitive side she was charmed by him.

Homeless man in the car parkvery quiet man who spends his days outside the building as he’s very found of the workers. He recently lost everything due to the recession. He was already lower class but the council refused him a home and is bound to the streets for several months. He’s able to use the shower in the warehouse and occasionally gets jobs unloading stock. He’s very wise and keeps the smokers company either with his guitar or general wisdom.

Please edit or let me know if i can improve the summary of the characters. It has to be as simple and detailed as needed.

Group meeting.. Written by Zoe.

  • Set new short term aims
  • Reflect on what we've accomplished so far


  • Me and Aya will meet up to organise hand outs and write an agenda for our focus group.

Thursday - Focus group.

  • Whole group must meet at 13:00 to recite agenda and make our way to the location.

Poster Design due in Friday.

  • We must all post one or more blogs on the group blog introducing a different idea.
  • Can include images, font styles, slogans, colour schemes etc.
  • Should be derived from research embarked upon.

Website Research due in Tuesday.
All members of the group should post one blog. Tasks specifies below.

Aslihan - Look at the content from a soap website of your own choice
Aya - Observe the layout of a soap website of your choice.
Serhan - Observe the layout from a professional business website of your choice (that's relevent)
Me (Zoe) - Look at the content of a business organisation and initiate ideas of how to converge this with a soap website.

If want to extend your research you can begin thinking of how we're to converge the two styles with idea's of your choice.

  • Hand outs have been complete.

Agenda (serhan)

Method of learning


- Introduce ourselves
- Rough outline of treatment

2-General conversation

- Talking to focus group
- Asking questions like "if they watch soap?"

3- Give out handouts

- Which includes information on soaps like Eastenders and coronation street, which also includes most popular storyline which has occurred in the soaps.

- Look through handout, to have a good understanding of the kind of event which occur in soaps.

- Look through the questions on the questionnaire and answer them one by one

4- Discuss violent story lines

- Talk abut the kind of gossip which happens in soaps and what effect does it have on our society today.

- Examples of violent storyline would be for example, Phil in Eastenders knocked out on the floor in blood.

Example of violent story lines

-Eastenders - The fact that every Christmas day someone dies on Eastenders i think really gives the soap a unrealistic view.

- For example-
1- so called "Dirty Den" comes back from the dead and returns to the soap after many years, creating a shocked appearance on the square and also on our screens.
He is later killed off the show by three women that he slept with, close to Christmas day.

-Coronation Street -Tony Gordon attempt to strangle Jed Stone with women's underwear, both of these characters were well respected before greed got in to the equation and also before the characters started arguing about money.

Debatable questions

- Why do soap use domestic violence in there shows?

- And do you think this would effect a young viewer? If yes in what way would it effect them?

Sunday, 8 November 2009

Focus group preparation. Zoe.

As soon as all paper work (preparation) is complete i can then confirm a date and time as to when we'll conduct the focus group. Our primary aim is to understand their enviroment and gain an insight into their views on soaps and represenation in soaps.

  • Aslihan - A bulleit point treatment will need to be complete. It should highlight that our aim is to show how a business is affected by the current climate.

  • Serhan - A questionnaire needs to be complete to remind us of the points we need to cover. What soaps do you watch? Do you keep up to date with them? Favourite characters? Melodrama? Storylines? etc.

  • Aya - Research must be conducted relating to infamous storylines such as dirty den (Eastenders) and finding out why they were so popular. Questioins should be drawn to have another feedback session. What do you think about Dirty Dens ressurection? Do you want to see deaths at christmas?

  • Discuss representation (codes and conventions). E.g., "the square" is a communual area. Is it realistic?

  • Zoe - I shall be finishing the storyboard to contribute to the handouts. I will also be dealing with all the arrangments concerning our focus group.

When designing the handouts ensure everything is clearly layed out and easily read (with NO spelling or grammer mistakes).

This is to be completed by the 10th November 2009!!

Poster draft 2. written by Zoe

The program freeFall as huge resemblance to our soap so i thought it'd be worth looking at advertisements from them. The DVD cover was the same as the poster and it shows a high powered business man (white) standing in his office gazing out at his amazing view. This holds a lot of symbolism that's easily interpreted from the viewer. The man is very high up from the ground which can be a physical representation of his class in society, his possible bank balance and his egotistic character.

When visiting our location we had various idea's of having our poster in a similar style to this. It's very ambiguous, it features who you'll presume to be the main character. The colour schemes are not particularly eye catching so this may need adjusting. Like most posters the characters centralised it gives you a clear narrative image of the environment and it features the broadcaster.

We wouldn't follow this as our targeted audience will not be based in the center of London, we still wish to relate to our suburban viewers. This is due to the success of Eastenders so we thought to follow certain conventions with this soap in particular.

This is a meeting room in our office location. It's hard to see due to the reflection from the lights but in the background you can see a large warehouse containing fashion garments and hundreds of boxes. We thought we may replicate this idea as a drafted idea for our own poster. Obviously it's less glamorous as Freefall as we thought to bring back down to Earth. It shows the real life industrial lifestyle, it also shows more dominance and gives off a mood of mischief and dodgy deeds.

If we decide as a group to go ahead and create a prototype developing this idea, i believe it will be an accurate representation of our soap.

Friday, 6 November 2009

Focus groups research questions

1. What kind of soaps do you prefer watching and why?
2- Who your favourite character? And what does he make you feel?
3-What makes a film realistic in your view?

4- What events which are occurring in real life, do you think would be good if it was turned into a tv program?

5- As we just explained in our treatment, we will be having odd characters from society, is there anyone round the business who you are suspicious of, wherever its gay behaviour or just weirdness?

6-Would you watch a soap that has a strong reality for example, real scenarios based around the recession?

7- Is there any part of reality you wouldn’t like to see in soaps?

8- The Muslim culture is often mentioned as terrorist organisation, what’s you personally opinion about this? (Because as you know one of our main characters is a boss of a major firm)

9-The recent downfall of all major firms due to recession , i.e. Woolworth , marks & Spencer and many more firms, do you think this has opened a gap in the film industry to take advantage of? Also do you think this should be taken advantage of?

10-Sexual behaviour something which is always effective, in soaps and films, a women is always used to attract the male audience, do you think using sexy guys would attract the female?

11- In your opinion which gender is soap mainly aimed out? Why?

12-Why do they have a main meeting point? (For example in Eastenders you got the pub) What does it enable the audience watching to capture?

Written by Serhan Velettin

Dirty Den Watts death (Focus group research)

More than 14 million people saw "Dirty" Den Watts killed off on Friday, marking EastEnders' 20th anniversary, according to unofficial figures.
Den's death came 16 years after he was supposedly shot in 1989. But he came back to the show in September 2003.
The audience for BBC One's one-hour special averaged 13.7 million and peaked at 14.2 million in the last 15 minutes, overnight figures showed.
Den died after being confronted by Zoe, Chrissie and Sam in the Queen Vic.
If the ratings are confirmed, the episode will have given the soap its highest audience for a year.
The overnight figures showed almost 60% of the viewing public tuned into EastEnders between 2000 and 2100 GMT, leaving ITV1 with about 13%.
"We are very pleased with the figures," a BBC spokesman said. "It shows viewers have really enjoyed the story of Den's demise."

1- So called Dirty Den Watts, was a gangster figure in the soap, doing what ever he wanted, sleeping with as many girls has he wanted, he never ever took no as a answer. Near enough to christmas day he is killed by three women, i think the soap trys to show female dominates by the gangster figure being beaten down by a women. Thanks to this storyline as you can see from the review bbc's ratings went to a record high level, Den watts coming back from the dead raised alot of eyebrows, with da soap becoming unrealistic.

Thursday, 5 November 2009

Treatment: Verve House

Verve House is an office set in north London which distributes clothing to major retail firms. The business is running successfully and employees would be classed as middle class, however there is a spectrum of classes used throughout the characters because of the mixed class society London is today. The boss, Aya, is the woman in charge. She wears a headscarf as it shows she's religious, we chose Islam as the religion of this character because of the current prejudices of western societies and the headscarf is a distinctive symbol of this religion, she is a representation of a strong dominant female as well as a representation of multi cultural London. She is intimidating towards the employees just as any other boss would be.

Some characters are homosexual; some are open about it whereas some keep it secret. In today’s society it is a norm to have any preferred sexuality. However, age and status may get in the way of this norm. The youngest character, the new girl, is homosexual, she is quite open about it; whereas Peter, the PA is married and has a family and feels as though he cannot reveal this about himself. This idea reflects how norms of society have changed rapidly over time.

The new girl character has a 3 month work placement from her university and her family background is from a working. Her role to the audience is to allow them to emphasise with her because she is new and everything would be introduced to her as well as everything being introduced to the audience. Her working class background represents the changing of this class identity, and that she is able to achieve a middle class background. This character also appeals to the younger audience because students would be able to emphasise with her.

The soap also features disabilities. The ‘sexy/handsome guy’ has a mental disorder - ADHD/ADD basically meaning Attention Deficit Disorder which summarises a lot of his characteristics; he has difficulty concentrating. He gets prescribed medication for this. He is accepted and quite popular within the workplace, his disorder does not make him a bizarre character because he has medication for it. It is quite common in the real world for some people to have similar mental disorders, even schizophrenia as long as it is manageable, and in this case: it is.

The representations are well suited for a busy city like London. It is quite normal for London to be multi-cultural and with people who have different views and preferences. Middle-class and students would be the target audience of this soap. Students would be attracted to the professional looking setting, just like the new girl, they would be interested in their future career and what it would be like. Middle classed audiences would be the main target audience. Middle classes are thought to be of high culture and education; they may be interested on the different representations of contemporary UK. Or, they could just be attracted to the narratives and characters.

All the different characteristics of the characters highlights that even in a crowded place like London, anyone can easily feel lonely.

Aslihan. Group Effort.

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Group meeting. minutes taken by Zoe.

We have decided the priority for this week is to focus on completing all preparations for the focus group so we can conduct the presentation next week!

I have already confirmed we can host the 'meeting' in the offices were shooting in so this is a perfect target of our audience. I (zoe) have started a draft of a storyboard and i will complete this by thursday. Photocopies of the storyboard will be featured in the handouts for easy digest.

Aslihan and Serhan have begun the first draft of the treatment and must complete this by Thursday. They must also simplify the treatment in bulliet form to featured in the hand-out.

Serhan as begun composing questions to ask for our introduction to the group.

Aya can create an agenda so we all are informed of how we're performing our ideas.

Aslihan and Serhan have also been given the task of finding popular storylines, through history, from soaps that are memorable to show as examples of how codes and conventions are used.

We have also been asked to begin looking at websites! ... Hopefully the pressures on now, but for this week lets wholly focued on this focus group so for next week we can fully prepare for our filming and get that completed by 15th Nov!!!

All progress should be posted on the group blog.

Thursday, 29 October 2009

Research:Posters (Aya)

Hollyoaks poster: It is not surprising that Hollyoaks unlike the majority of other soaps uses posters, as it is an unconventional soap; different to other soaps. When analysing the poster i realised that Hollyoaks used the fact that it was different as a highlight for their poster and were proud of that.....

*The poster is mocking other soaps such as Eastenders and Coronation Street for their emphasis on pubs and perhaps for having a pub as the dominant central meeting point in their soap, through it featuring pubs and drunken people negatively. Hollyoaks is shown in the poster, as not being about drunken people in pubs like other conventional soaps but about young, glamorous, sophisticated characters. And so the image presented is a real one as shown through their annual calendar which features airbrushed, athletic, sexy, well presented characters and the soaps emphasis on student life.

*Throughout the whole poster there is a theme of spot the difference almost. This is clever not only because it takes the same format at spot the difference games in magazines, which the young target audience of Hollyoaks will be regularly read and so they will be attracted by this, but also because straight away it represents other soaps negatively whilst appearing positive and ‘better than the rest’.

*The second image is intended to be everything that Hollyoaks represents, such as glamour, brightness and clever ideas as well as being different. Therefore, straight away when audiences look at the poster they will straight away draw a comparison which will put the second image as a better option. As a result the individual will begin to watch Hollyoaks rather than other soaps because the poster shows them to be not good enough and far less appealing.

*It can also be argued that Hollyoaks uses class to appeal to audiences and uses this as one of its criticisms of conventional soaps like Eastenders and Coronation Street. This is because the poster representing Hollyoaks is far better mannered and neatly represented. This is shown through the couple fighting who are shown in the second poster as Latin dancing, and the dog that is urinating on the carpet is shown neatly brushed in pink, eating from its plate.

Posted by Aya

After analysing this i think it’s very important we represent our poster to our target audience in a form relating to them as Hollyoaks has done here. Also symbolism is very important. The Hollyoaks poster contains few words yet it conveys many powerful messages. An idea for our soap poster is to use the same spot the difference strategy one with an image of hopeless jobless people sitting in a tacky pub whilst the other can be of a meeting room in the office and all the characters working hard. This should then be accompanied with a slogan making the person feel that watching the soap is like helping to tackle the recession....something like ‘together let’s fight this’ . However, due to the fact that our target audience is not purely older teens we would need to make it slightly more mature through the font, language and even the style of the image outline. We could also include small print...WHAT DO YOU THINK?

Sunday, 25 October 2009

Poster idea.

When we visited the location we began brainstorming some potential poster ideas. Walking in through the glass doors you see the name of the company in silver letters above the reception desk. I took this picture as a basic draft, we thought we could have Aya/the boss standing from the balcony looking down at the character in a stance that shows power and control.
By having Aya central to the screen above the title of the programme it follows a simplistic layout form which is a common convention from other posters we've seen. It shows a clear message of status, it can relate to many people has statistics say over half of employees feel intimidated or are bullied by their employer. Overall it has a striking effect, i think there's a concurrent colour theme. We could developing the framing better and digitally edit the colours.
Things for us to think about would be what slogans, if any, would we want to feature and where to position it.
Group effort, written by Zoe.
What are your other ideas?

Saturday, 24 October 2009

Storyboard planning/research.

21st Oct

Today we arrived at our primary location (the offices) this helped us all to gain a better understanding of the enviroment and inspired us to think creatively of how we're to shoot this trailer. It put into perspective we may need more characters to play apart as secondary characters/extras.


-Serhan playing Peter can have chipped nail polish on his nails, only very slightly to convey an enigmatic narrative to viewers. It could mean his young daughter wanted to paint one or it could be his cheeky secret that he may like to paint his own nails as apart of his secret (he's gay and hiding).

- To link all the characters together and symbolic show that they all have an important role within the business we've thought to have a folder/documents passed round to all characters. We may begin a shot with a close up of Peter/serhans hands flicking through a filing cabinet to look for these important documents for their weekly board meeting. This will establish the setting for the audience.

- Another opening idea was that the new girl can arrive through the doors at reception, this will reflect the audience stepping into this new territory. The reception is one of the more glamorous areas and this can give a contradicting message, although the audience would only find out the business is not all it appears once they've entered. This can be be enigmatic and attractive to some viewers.

-Yet another opening idea could be Aya sitting upon her throne although her back is turned away from the camera and you only see this grand office chair. The chair can then turn still concealing her identity. You'll then see Aya's shoes/heels walking down the long corridor towards the confrence room. She'll then enter late as all other employee's are waiting patiently for the bosses arrival.

- We could have everyone gossiping in the meeting room before Aya comes in as we're aware gossip is a huge element to soaps, althought for a trailer we must highlight a dramatic storyline to capture the audiences interest.

- We're exciting about all the potential opening scenes and could feature all of them. Once Serhan finds the documents he could then beginning handing them round to all staff members around the table. This will allow us to film each character and highlight there main characteristics. Aya could eventually enter late being the last one to read the document. She can then reveal these secrete work documents. She can take them out and it large font the name of our soap either Verve House or Southbury Rd can be shown as well as negative bank statements. The camera can zoom out intoconvention soap form and there present upon the table newspapers feturing headlines about the recession or specific business failure.

- Be presenting all the characters at the table we're hoping audience's can find atleast one that they're intrigued by eg; the good looking sexy man, they may begin speculating he'll have an affair with Aslihan as we may chose to show them to staring at each other. But on Aslihan's arrival we can show her 'giving-the-eye' to the female receptionist, this will be one storyline we'll breifly introduce viewers with and it may be enough to want to make viewers tune in.

-As Aslihan walks into the building the tramp can be sitting just outside the main entrance or can be hiding in the car park. This may be enough to make viewers question why there's a tramp there. We could represent him to be rather shifty and intimidating, or generally dirty and degrading to the image of the business. However we chose to repsent this character, viewers make be rather shocked and would be interested to find out why he's there, weather he's allowed or maybe wondering if further action will be taken to remove him etc.

-When Serhans rustling through the files before the meeting he can comment on the nail polish, this again will hopefully cause questioning from viewers....Enigmatic storylines are a key convention to soaps and to trailers of all kinds and are focus at the moment is to present enough vague stories to appeal to a large audience without diverting from the realism of the situations.

Enigma's are key to attracting viewers to tune in, when filming a trialer it doesn't neccesserily represent the style of how the soap would normally be represented. This trailer we're planning, in terms of filming style and general narrative structure, is an exception to the normal conventions of soaps. If we were to film a scene from our soap then we would follow the tradionaly structures such as avoiding the close ups/abstrast representations and heavy symbolism.

Written by Zoe. Group effort.