Thursday, 29 October 2009

Research:Posters (Aya)

Hollyoaks poster: It is not surprising that Hollyoaks unlike the majority of other soaps uses posters, as it is an unconventional soap; different to other soaps. When analysing the poster i realised that Hollyoaks used the fact that it was different as a highlight for their poster and were proud of that.....

*The poster is mocking other soaps such as Eastenders and Coronation Street for their emphasis on pubs and perhaps for having a pub as the dominant central meeting point in their soap, through it featuring pubs and drunken people negatively. Hollyoaks is shown in the poster, as not being about drunken people in pubs like other conventional soaps but about young, glamorous, sophisticated characters. And so the image presented is a real one as shown through their annual calendar which features airbrushed, athletic, sexy, well presented characters and the soaps emphasis on student life.

*Throughout the whole poster there is a theme of spot the difference almost. This is clever not only because it takes the same format at spot the difference games in magazines, which the young target audience of Hollyoaks will be regularly read and so they will be attracted by this, but also because straight away it represents other soaps negatively whilst appearing positive and ‘better than the rest’.

*The second image is intended to be everything that Hollyoaks represents, such as glamour, brightness and clever ideas as well as being different. Therefore, straight away when audiences look at the poster they will straight away draw a comparison which will put the second image as a better option. As a result the individual will begin to watch Hollyoaks rather than other soaps because the poster shows them to be not good enough and far less appealing.

*It can also be argued that Hollyoaks uses class to appeal to audiences and uses this as one of its criticisms of conventional soaps like Eastenders and Coronation Street. This is because the poster representing Hollyoaks is far better mannered and neatly represented. This is shown through the couple fighting who are shown in the second poster as Latin dancing, and the dog that is urinating on the carpet is shown neatly brushed in pink, eating from its plate.

Posted by Aya

After analysing this i think it’s very important we represent our poster to our target audience in a form relating to them as Hollyoaks has done here. Also symbolism is very important. The Hollyoaks poster contains few words yet it conveys many powerful messages. An idea for our soap poster is to use the same spot the difference strategy one with an image of hopeless jobless people sitting in a tacky pub whilst the other can be of a meeting room in the office and all the characters working hard. This should then be accompanied with a slogan making the person feel that watching the soap is like helping to tackle the recession....something like ‘together let’s fight this’ . However, due to the fact that our target audience is not purely older teens we would need to make it slightly more mature through the font, language and even the style of the image outline. We could also include small print...WHAT DO YOU THINK?

Sunday, 25 October 2009

Poster idea.

When we visited the location we began brainstorming some potential poster ideas. Walking in through the glass doors you see the name of the company in silver letters above the reception desk. I took this picture as a basic draft, we thought we could have Aya/the boss standing from the balcony looking down at the character in a stance that shows power and control.
By having Aya central to the screen above the title of the programme it follows a simplistic layout form which is a common convention from other posters we've seen. It shows a clear message of status, it can relate to many people has statistics say over half of employees feel intimidated or are bullied by their employer. Overall it has a striking effect, i think there's a concurrent colour theme. We could developing the framing better and digitally edit the colours.
Things for us to think about would be what slogans, if any, would we want to feature and where to position it.
Group effort, written by Zoe.
What are your other ideas?

Saturday, 24 October 2009

Storyboard planning/research.

21st Oct

Today we arrived at our primary location (the offices) this helped us all to gain a better understanding of the enviroment and inspired us to think creatively of how we're to shoot this trailer. It put into perspective we may need more characters to play apart as secondary characters/extras.


-Serhan playing Peter can have chipped nail polish on his nails, only very slightly to convey an enigmatic narrative to viewers. It could mean his young daughter wanted to paint one or it could be his cheeky secret that he may like to paint his own nails as apart of his secret (he's gay and hiding).

- To link all the characters together and symbolic show that they all have an important role within the business we've thought to have a folder/documents passed round to all characters. We may begin a shot with a close up of Peter/serhans hands flicking through a filing cabinet to look for these important documents for their weekly board meeting. This will establish the setting for the audience.

- Another opening idea was that the new girl can arrive through the doors at reception, this will reflect the audience stepping into this new territory. The reception is one of the more glamorous areas and this can give a contradicting message, although the audience would only find out the business is not all it appears once they've entered. This can be be enigmatic and attractive to some viewers.

-Yet another opening idea could be Aya sitting upon her throne although her back is turned away from the camera and you only see this grand office chair. The chair can then turn still concealing her identity. You'll then see Aya's shoes/heels walking down the long corridor towards the confrence room. She'll then enter late as all other employee's are waiting patiently for the bosses arrival.

- We could have everyone gossiping in the meeting room before Aya comes in as we're aware gossip is a huge element to soaps, althought for a trailer we must highlight a dramatic storyline to capture the audiences interest.

- We're exciting about all the potential opening scenes and could feature all of them. Once Serhan finds the documents he could then beginning handing them round to all staff members around the table. This will allow us to film each character and highlight there main characteristics. Aya could eventually enter late being the last one to read the document. She can then reveal these secrete work documents. She can take them out and it large font the name of our soap either Verve House or Southbury Rd can be shown as well as negative bank statements. The camera can zoom out intoconvention soap form and there present upon the table newspapers feturing headlines about the recession or specific business failure.

- Be presenting all the characters at the table we're hoping audience's can find atleast one that they're intrigued by eg; the good looking sexy man, they may begin speculating he'll have an affair with Aslihan as we may chose to show them to staring at each other. But on Aslihan's arrival we can show her 'giving-the-eye' to the female receptionist, this will be one storyline we'll breifly introduce viewers with and it may be enough to want to make viewers tune in.

-As Aslihan walks into the building the tramp can be sitting just outside the main entrance or can be hiding in the car park. This may be enough to make viewers question why there's a tramp there. We could represent him to be rather shifty and intimidating, or generally dirty and degrading to the image of the business. However we chose to repsent this character, viewers make be rather shocked and would be interested to find out why he's there, weather he's allowed or maybe wondering if further action will be taken to remove him etc.

-When Serhans rustling through the files before the meeting he can comment on the nail polish, this again will hopefully cause questioning from viewers....Enigmatic storylines are a key convention to soaps and to trailers of all kinds and are focus at the moment is to present enough vague stories to appeal to a large audience without diverting from the realism of the situations.

Enigma's are key to attracting viewers to tune in, when filming a trialer it doesn't neccesserily represent the style of how the soap would normally be represented. This trailer we're planning, in terms of filming style and general narrative structure, is an exception to the normal conventions of soaps. If we were to film a scene from our soap then we would follow the tradionaly structures such as avoiding the close ups/abstrast representations and heavy symbolism.

Written by Zoe. Group effort.

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Treatment problem- asli

I understand that a treatment is necessary for the production, however I am not sure how to write it... Do we need to write what would be shown in the trailer, or, what would be the storylines if we had done the first episode? Anyway I will do what I can but I think we need to be clear on what exactly is expected, I am not sure if the whole group understands it or is it only me.

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

more news by asli.

ok this news is on a HSBC banker who strangled his wife TO DEATH because of his jelousy, using domestic violence would be suitable for our soap because it is so common. This news for example happend in Enfield.

The banker earned £136,600-a-year plus monthly bonuses of up to £3,000 but his wife had no idea about his income. !

The recession news. asli. just some recent facts

The number of young unemployed people - those aged between 16 and 24 - continued to rise, to 946,000 in the three months to August

• Men remain the most affected by unemployment, with the number of males without work rising by 76,000 to 1.53 million in the three months to August

• The number of women unemployed totalled 935,000, up 12,000

• There has been a sharp increase in the number of women working part-time, up 79,000 for the three months ending in August 2009 to a total figure of 5,732,000. Nearly 10% of these women say they are working part-time because they can't find a full-time job

men are mostly affected by the recession so this would allow us a gateway to make women seem more empowered. since this was the idea in the first place it is also a fact according to statistics that women are the more successful ones.

• Average earnings excluding bonuses rose by just 1.9% in the three months to August from a year earlier, the lowest figure on record

Job loss and recession. News article. Aslihan

Published: 11:22AM BST 14 Oct 2009

The number of people searching for work in the three months through August climbed by 88,000, the smallest rise since the three months to the end of July last year.

Separately, figures showed that jobless benefits rose by 20,800 in September, less than the 24,500 economists had forecast.

Experts estimate that unemployment will continue to climb in coming months even if the economy may have technically emerged from recession last quarter.

“The slower rise is welcome but I wouldn’t get too excited,” said Colin Ellis, an economist at Daiwa Securities. “I still think we will see unemployment going through 3 million next year.”

The recession is affecting alot of people and alot of businesses including our daily lives. Even our shopping! Since it is everywhere this will definately be featured in the soap. As a group we agreed to keep the recession as a main narrative.

Tuesday, 13 October 2009

Scheduling time. Research. Zoe

Within the Drama genre, Soaps are more likely to be watched live —
playback viewing accounted for 25% of Soap viewing. At the other
extreme are Drama Series and Drama Serials, where playback viewing
accounts for 40% and 44% of total viewing respectively.

Quote taken from a Sky research report.

It is true that viewers commonly watch soaps live as if they were to watch it tomorrow (if recorded or viewed via internet) then it would be too late. Gossip is an element which features in the soap storylines and occurs amongst audience members. So viewers will feel segregated from friends if they miss an episode. The word of mouth phenomenon puts pressure on viewers to tune in live. This makes the scheduling time very important as it must be accessible to as many potential viewers as possible.

As freefall (the new drama series on bbc2) is a realistic representation on the recession and how it effects society and focuses on people living on the poverty line. It's showing at 9 for one hour. It's also said that the majority of adults watch 190 minutes of television a day. I don't think we should have a hour long soap. Maybe we should follow the conventional time of 30 minutes to make it more appealing to viewers. We may also need to rethink when we'd like to show the soap. I shall upload a table of tv listings so we can all discuss when would be the best place to feature the programme.

Class task. Research questions. Zoe

Summary of what the group thought.

*What forms of research have you done?
*How are you using it/intended to use it?
*What discoveries have you made?
*How are you managing to maintain a balance between your research findings and your creative ideas?
*What are your next steps (in terms of production and research)?

-Looked at trailers both old and new.
Looked at the development between and find common conventions
- Recent reviews of dramas/soaps to understand a 'professionals' point of view.
- Look at what they're trying to represent in characters, mise-en-scene and how they do this
- Develope knowledge and improve our ideas/refine our ideas.
- Look at how complex ideas need to be communicated
- Each case study must have some relevence to our brainstorm
- When discussing the research it acts as a stimulus for further ideas to be developed.
- begin thinking how we're going to contruct this trailer
- Whats most important that should be communicated to our viewers.
- Taking some conventions and eliminating some
- Look at current affairs then, apply the codes and conventions and then, create your storyline

The importance of camera movements ( Serhan)

Camera movements give the audience a more intelligent understanding of what is appearing on the screen, a good example would be someone getting angry, the camera would move from a long shot to a close up of the man or woman's facial expression. This would express the situation in a more highlighted approach , conveying to the audience the actor rage and frustration, and try to get the audience engaged in what is happening in the screen and to also feel what is happening as if they are in the situation of the person playing in the film.

Camera movement is one of the most expressive tools available to a filmmaker. It alters the relationship between the subject and the camera frame, shaping the viewer's perspective of space and time and controlling the delivery of narrative information. As the camera frame orients the viewer within the
mise-en-scene, movement of the frame provides the illusion of the viewer journeying through the world of the narrative. The camera height and angle, the distance to a subject, and the composition of a shot may change during camera movement, as the framing travels above, below, around, into, and out of space. Types of camera movement are distinguished by their direction and the equipment used to achieve motion this creates the realism in any soap or film, which also makes it interested to the viewers watching at home.

A tracking shot indicates the camera through space parallel to the ground and can travel forward, backward, from side to side, diagonally, or in a circle. Whereas a pan or a tilt reveals what one might see when standing still and rotating one's head, a track provides the impression of actually advancing into space. Tracking shots are often produced with the camera mounted on a dolly, a small, steerable platform with rubber tires. Tracking shots receive their name from the railroad-like tracks that are frequently laid on the ground to guide the dolly during long camera movements, again another thing which adds to the realism in a soap or film.

b. Tokyo, Japan, 16 May 1898, d. 24 August 1956

One of the most acclaimed directors of world cinema, Kenji Mizoguchi created elegant, precisely staged long takes in films that examined the circumscribed choices of women in Japanese society. His tightly controlled camera movement, recessed foregrounds, and depth staging served to subordinate characters to the overall composition, positioning the viewer as an observer to highly emotional yet distanced subject matter. (As you can see this is a well known director)

A tracking shot being filmed for the chariot race sequence in Ben-Hur (Fred Niblo, 1925). (director decribing opinion of his own film)

rises and lowers on a platform connected to a mechanical arm, much like utility company cherry-pickers. A crane enables the camera to traverse great distances up and down, as well as forward and backward and from side to side. Although in use as early as Intolerance (1916), crane shots became a signature of the 1930s musicals of Busby Berkeley (1895–1976) and multiplied following technological improvements after World War II. In the late 1970s the introduction of the Louma crane further increased shooting options. The Louma operates like an oversized microphone boom, with a rotating arm and a remote-control camera mount at the end. The Louma transmits the image from the camera to the operator in another location, enabling the camera to move through very tight, narrow spaces that were previously inaccessible.

Aerial shots taken from a plane or helicopter are a variation of crane shots. A camera mounted on an aerial support can move into space in all directions while achieving much greater heights than can a crane. Filmmakers began exploring ways to mount a camera on a plane during the 1910s, and in the 1950s helicopter mounts created additional shooting possibilities. An aerial shot may frame another flying object, as during the Huey helicopter battle sequences of Apocalypse Now (1979), or it may provide a "bird's eye view" of the landscape, as in the swooping helicopter shot of Julie Andrews in the Alps at the opening of The Sound of Music (1965).

Thursday, 8 October 2009

our Characters so far.

Group effort. Zoe.

The organisation is based around the fashion trade and it breaks away from the normal conceptions. Most people see fashion from the media's view of stylised and filled with glamour but this will behind the works of the spectacles and highlight the production. It will show how it ranging no differently, in terms of structure, from most other business organisations.

1. Boss - A women in charge, can be very dominant in the working environment and has tendencies to be a complete control freak. Normally someone in her position would often get very stressed, she's no different, she also has a few sneaky cigarettes when things get too much for her, these are hidden in her desk drawer. She also murmurs to herself prayers when things get tense, some people may mistake this for curses. She wears a headscarf as it shows she's spiritual although her mother who may feature from time to time won't. She's money greedy and is motivated by proving everyone wrong (including her childhood bullies). She has very small moments in the soap where she lets her guard down and shows her vulnerable side (this is only ever done to her PA). She is also a hypercondriact.

Bosses PA – a ‘normal’ man who has a wife and children at home. He’s an ambiguous character who may appear shady at times but this is due to recent gay feelings which he keeps very secretive from everyone. Although at times he lets on to the Boss as they have a very complex and trustworthy relationship. He acts as an ‘agony aunt’ to the boss when she gets too stressed. He appears bossy and arrogant towards other staff lower down the hierarchy to him, he’s known as a misfit to other workers and often gets teased by other employees (he’s made solitary). He’s a very good listener, well educated and is known as a health freak as he constantly reminds the others of their unhealthy lifestyles.

New girl – She’s been given a recent work placement in the office for 3 months as she’s studying fashion/business at university. She’s young, flirtatious and attractive. She’s gay and single and gets a lot of attention from the male staff. She gets very bored and attention seeking when there’s not much going on in the offices. She appears very helpful at first to make a good impression. She has many ambitions dreams to save the world and begins preaching that sweatshops are wrong and that there’s not enough recycling going on. She mirrors the audience as she too is new to the scene.

Production manager/sexy man – Tall dark and handsome (following the conventions of tv programmes). He’s a regular man with an eccentric laugh. He also has a mental disorder known as ADHD/ADD which summarises a lot of his characteristics. He gets prescribed medication for this.

Care taker – He’s a very intelligent man who is not highly rank in the organisation but is very well respected by most. He helps with the accounts as he’s a very good mathematician. He’s very humble, genuinely happy and smokes marijuana. He was previously prescribed marijuana as he suffered from anxiety issues therefore not being able to be employed by a professional organisation but as the boss as a sensitive side she was charmed by him.

Homeless man in the car park – very quiet man who spends his days outside the building as he’s very found of the workers. He recently lost everything due to the recession. He was already very lower class but the council refused him a home and is bound to the streets for several months. He’s able to use the shower in the warehouse and occasionally gets jobs unloading stock. He’s very wise and keeps the smokers company either with his guitar or general wisdom.

Poster idea. Zoe.

For the poster we could have the page divided up into 6 sections (similar to a collage) and we could take photographs of all the characters in there offices. Each photography should be carefully taken to represent the characters prominent characteristics. We also have to think very carefully about the mise-en-scene in the photographs eg; how would each character decorate their offices and how well kept will they be?

For the trailer maybe we could begin with the frame sectioned off and from the photographs of the trailer we could have all 6 frames as video clips. This could be a quirky opening and then we could zoom into one of the frames and continue a short scene/storyline revolving around that main character. This allows the trailer to not be concurrent, introduce all characters and show or skills in post production.

What do you guys think?

Research: Freeall (Aya)

Freefall is a new BBC drama about a man prepared to lose everything for the prospect of a better life once owning his own home. However, little did he know that the discounted mortgage he had been offered by an old friend is void. I thought it would be a very good idea to research this drama because just like our soap, its narrative centres on the human side of the financial crises. In other words it can easily relate to audiences as it goes a lot further than a news report about the crises would; the drama focuses on events that cause so many lives to spiral into financial turmoil. In observing this drama i recorded the following.....

-The scheduling time or the drama is similar to the one we have chosen. This indicates that viewers interested in watching a programme focusing on the financial crises. However, if we were to actually produce and air our soap then Freefall would mean that we have competition.

-The drama is very realistic which again ensures that the viewers can relate to the characters. The realism is created through many different elements these include the use of real locations (as can be seen in the video). Not only this but the characters were not given scripts but instead had to improvise in order to increase realism. Camera work is also very basic. All in all the realism and the camera shots make the viewer eel as i they are part o the drama and not just someone simply watching. I think this idea of realism would be a very good one to use in our soap. The only difference is that our soap also shows higher class characters and so we will need to show locations other than a simple run down estate area, as is shown in Freefall.

-The symbolism, dress and body language are all very important in expressing not only the characters emotions to the viewer, but also his personality, as is explained in the interview. IN the interview the man talks about him deciding to keep the moustache as part of his character inorder to make him appear in order. I realised from watching this and other trailers that appearance is very important in conveying the character through their appearance. This is an idea i would like to carry further and use in my trailer. This is because a trailer is very short and so we need to give audiences an idea of the characters in a short period of time.

- Body language and tone of voice can convey a lot about the character, as is shown in the drama clip. The protagonist itching his head and looking down, whilst talking in a loud tone of voice highlights his desperation.

Although Freefall was initially our idea for the coursework, as we had initially thought that no drama about the financial crises existed, it does dier in many ways...
-Freefall focuses mainly on the working classs. This is evident through it's choice of location; estate flats.
-Our drama circulates around a business and whast goes on inside that business. So in other words rather than focusing on individual responses to the financial crises, we are are going to focus on a collective one.
-Unlike Freefall our soap goes against the conventional, stereothypical characters. Through the link, the extract we see shows the man in his working clothes and ther women carrying out the housework. However, our soap goes against conventional charcters by having a woman as the boss and the attractive emale as a lesbian.

Posted by Aya

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Storyline and Dialogue (Serhan)

Rita Littlewood
: [about Norris's secret book] The hero of his novel has got himself caught up in a menage-a-trois!
Emily Nugent: Oh, really!
Rita Littlewood: Emily, you do know what a menage-a-trois is?
Emily Nugent: I most certainly do!
Rita Littlewood: Oh. Well, the two women involved in this...
Emily Nugent: Love triangle?
Rita Littlewood: Yes. Are a mild-mannered church-goer called Emilia...
Emily Nugent: [subtly shocked] Oh.
Rita Littlewood: ...and a racy, Titian temptress called Reeba.
Emily Nugent: [suspicious] Oh.
Rita Littlewood: [reading from the novel] "Norris jumped out of the moped as Emilia and Reeba alighted the side-car...”
Emily Nugent: That's a big side-car!
Rita Littlewood: "... and hand in hand, the three of them ran barefoot through Chester Zoo. Atop the souvenir kiosk, Reeba belts out a quick rendition of "Paper Moon", whilst Emilia chose this moment - for some solemn prayer."
Emily Nugent: It's not really a page-turner, is it?
Rita Littlewood: You wait till you hear what happens in the meercat enclosure!
Emily Nugent: I like meercats... I've a tea towel with some on - Norris knows that!

This is a dialogue piece from coronation street, which highlights to the audience that like all soaps this is a soap with a lot of gossip, with characters like Emily Nugent and Rita littlewood. Gossips is very essential in a soap, beacuse it creates scene which creates other scene which combine perfectly , creating a story which is realistic and exciting to watch.

The Office

3-01 - Gay Witch Hunt
3-02 - The Convention
3-03 - The Coup
3-04 - Grief Counseling
3-05 - Initiation
3-06 - Diwali
3-07 - Branch Closing
3-08 - The Merger
3-09 - The Convict
3-10 - A Benihana Christmas (1)
3-11 - A Benihana Christmas (2)
3-12 - Back From Vacation
3-13 - Traveling Salesmen
3-14 - The Return
3-15 - Ben Franklin
3-16 - Phyllis' Wedding
3-17 - Business School
3-18 - Cocktails
3-19 - The Negotiation
3-20 - Safety Training
3-21 - Product Recall
3-22 - Women's Appreciation
3-23 - Beach Games
3-24 - The Job

The Office, a show where really it takes the mick out of office workers and how they might live there day to dat lives, the above names are programs which has been shown to the public, we can see that they have covered a more wide range of event for a normal drama show, the office purely focuses on comedy whereas Coronation street is a more dramatic show which trys to focus on realistic everts happening in the world. topics like how gay people are treated in the world? Also deals with the basic idea of love trianlges, the only way we could compare theses two shows are if we look at the comedy side to both , which we would be lacking evidence of comedy when it comes to Coronation, only minour amount of comedy and thats based on private jokes for people living in that kind of surrounding.

A look on office statistics..

i took this survey from

this might look useless but some of the outcomes can be interesting for example male bosses are favoured more than female.

Monday, 5 October 2009

Brief look at camera movement for discussion. aslihan

i watched these clips on mute to concentrate on the camera movement but also the speakers are not working :(

these are some links from 'Dirty Sexy Money' look at the camera shots, i really like the shot of the breifcase thingy flicking up it would be good to make this sound loud and sharp if we used it.

there arent many close ups, i looked at other popular british soaps from before and noticed there are not many close ups and mostly just over the shoulder, there are some point of view shots or tracking shots in the first link, i think we should check them out

the first 15 seconds of this clip from eastenders flows really well, it used rule of three aswell. and also check out 1.40 shot thats great however uneccessary it is for us but its funny how they use dramatic shots all of a sudden to add to the effect.

Saturday, 3 October 2009

Task due for Monday. Zoe.

As we discussed last group meeting that all research is to be completed and presented on monday after school for another group meeting to monitor the progress and findings.

For Monday i hope everyone can be up to date with their research or atleast begun and, have documented it on their blogs.

Remember to complete all the questionnaires you were given and make sure you get a diverse range. By that i mean' don't pass it to all your friends ages 17-20, try include some over 30's + 40's in the research.

You can extend your research to have a look see what everyone's saying on group blogs to remain up to date with what viewers would like to see more of and what they dislike.

Thursday, 1 October 2009

Broadcasting times for soaps. Aslihan

This research was done to have an idea on when our soap would be broadcasted. and also that according to our target audience, what time we would need to broadcast. These are the most watched soaps. The soaps are 30 minutes each so they do not clash with each other, it is possible to watch all of them. Studying the times can allow us to fit in our soap without cutting in other soaps.

Realism in Eastenders. Asli

Eastenders which is set in London has certain elements of realism regarding location and storylines, they are obviously dramatised and exaggerated for entertainment purposes, however it holds onto alot of realism whether it is social issues, politics, philosophy or anything else really. But what the main point is, it gives accounts of daily and possible dilemmas which could happen to anyone living in London.

Keeping up to date with current issues and up to date with news eg, HPV vaccinations for girls in schools, the recession, maybe a current football game or current music within the soap would make the audience feel more familiar with the storyline.